- Double Column construction
with a built-in gearbox
- Automatic lubrication to 'V' guides
- All main shafts of EN-9 steel
- Provided with automatic lifting arrangement for quick and easy movement
of cross slide
- The carriage is heavy duty and long, to give balanced bearing to the bed
even at the end of the stroke
- BED: The bed is of heavy duty box type construction. It is ribbed
through out the length and breadth giving vibration free movement under
the heaviest cut. The bed has deep 'V' type grooves to receive the table
and has oil collecting troughs at the end
- TABLE: It is heavily ribbed and proportionally dimensioned heavy duty
close grained cast iron box type construction. It has 'V' slides matching
the 'V' grooves on the bed and is hand scrapped to give oil film
- CROSS SLIDE: A box type construction carrying the tool slide which can
be operated by hand as well as by automatic feed
- GEARBOX: Machine cut gears running in anti friction bearings. Oil
- TOOL POST: Rigid cast iron close grained construction. Tool holders
machined out of steel blocks.
- UPRIGHTS: Heavy duty cast iron construction bolted to the sides of the
bed. Ribbed inside to avoid vibration. Dowelled to keep correct alignment